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Business Finance Homework Help. Final Capstone Project, law homework help

Final Capstone Project

For your final capstone project you will create a professional electronic portfolio that can be used to help with future job obtainment or promotions. You are encouraged to draw upon research and assignments from previous Law Enforcement Administration courses to create your e-portfolio. Using Microsoft Word, you will include all of the following components in this electronic portfolio:

  • Cover page
  • Table of contents
  • Cover letter and resume for a potential job or promotion (two to three pages)
    If you do not have a specific job in mind, you may use your hometown as your place of employment.
  • Code of Conduct and Effective Leadership (one to two pages)
    In LEA316: Ethics in Law Enforcement, you wrote a final paper analyzing ethical theories and your moral beliefs. Drawing upon your research for this paper and the topics covered in this capstone, write a code of conduct that you think every police officer should follow. Then, explain how this code of conduct promotes good leadership and integrity in law enforcement officers.
  • Community Development Plan (six to eight pages)
    You are the leader of your agency’s planning and research division and have been asked to present a critical analysis of policing as it will appear ten years into the future. Write a report based on peer-reviewed research. Refer to the Community Development Plan InstructionsView in a new window for the required components of this portion of your e-portfolio.
  • Technology Proposal (one to two pages)
    Identify three types of technology that will be useful for your hometown agency to adopt in the future in order to maintain an effective law enforcement agency. Please use research to explain.
  • Reference Page

You may also include a writing sample from a previous Law Enforcement Administration Course. Look back through your previous course work and choose a paper or project that best showcases your work. Many employers will want to see a writing sample. Make sure you revise your work using the feedback you received in order to make the paper/project the best it can be. Please not that this is not a requirement.

The paper must be at least ten pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly resources (at least three from the Ashford Online Library) other than the course text to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Writing the Final Capstone Project
The Final Capstone Project:

  1. Must be at least ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly resources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford Online Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


As I’m sure you are already aware, the Capstone project has a number of components to pull together.

  • a cover page
  • Table of Contents – Microsoft Word offers a TOC tool that may be very helpful
  • Cover Letter & Resume – please feel free to redact personally identifying information you don’t feel comfortable sharing – The letter and resume should be geared toward a promotion or job you want
  • A Code of Conduct & Effective Leadership – Write a code of conduct you think officers should follow and explain how it will promote good leadership, integrity and community relations (don’t just copy a code, write it in your own words.
  • Community Development Plan – a ten year analysis of policing
  • Technology Proposal – identify three types of technology that will be useful for police to adopt and explain how they will contribute to effective policing
  • Reference Page

Your paper must follow APA guidelines and include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement, as well as concluding with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. You need at least five scholarly resources.

Remember to review the instructions thoroughly, review the community development plan instructions, AND the grading rubric to make sure you understand what is being asked of you and how the project will be graded.

I’ve also attached a sample of the Captstone project with a few hints on how to pull it all together! I look forward to reviewing everyone’s project!

LEA497 Final Capstone Sample.pdf

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