Assignment Help

Assignment Help. watch two fiction, feature length movies that explores race, has lead characters who are of different races, or with main characters who are not from a race from which you self-identify.  One film is

watch two fiction, feature length movies that explores race, has lead characters who are of different races, or with main characters who are not from a race from which you self-identify. 

One film is to be from the last 20 years and the other film is to be from 1945 – 1980.

Identify the main characters and their race, or the race they are portraying (for example if a white actor is playing a Native American).

Discuss how race, racial relations, stereotypes, and/or racism plays a part in the film.

After reading this week’s material and watching the two movies, write a few paragraphs about what you have learned or what was confirmed for you.

please use some of the class materials attached and the one listed below.

movies suggestion: 

West Side Story – 1961

maid in manhattan – 2002

both movies stereotypes are about Spanish culture….

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