Assignment Help

Assignment Help. a.consumer and business.b.physical and virtual.c.internal and external.d.personal and

a.consumer and business.

b.physical and virtual.

c.internal and external.

d.personal and


e.discretionary and disposable.

2…………………………Club Med Inc. talks to its present and potential customers to assess their needs for its products. Then it develops products to satisfy those needs. The firm is thus applying the ____ concept.


c.physical distribution

d.production orientation

e.sales orientation

3…………..Marketers are most interested in discretionary income because consumers have the most choice in spending it.



4………..Markets are classified as either

a.governmental or institutional.

b.reseller or consumer.

c.producer or consumer.

d.institutional or reseller.

e.consumer or business-to-business.

5…………The forces that make up the external marketing environment of a firm

a.can be controlled to the firm’s advantage

b.include price, promotion, distribution, and product.

c.have little effect on internal operations.

d.are generally beyond the firm’s control.

e.result from the operations of the firm.

6……….What are some of the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity in an organization?

7…….Explain the difference between marketing research and marketing information systems.

8​ …………Men and women must be paid the same wage when they are doing equal jobs is required under the 

a.​Labor Management Relations Act.

b.​Equal Pay Act.

c.​National Labor Relations Act.

d.​Fair Labor Standards Act.

​ 9…………………….One of the common errors made by managers appraising employees is

a.​being unfair.

b.​only saying nice things.

c.​overusing one portion of an evaluation instrument.

d.​failing to tell the employee where to improve.

 10……………………Evaluation techniques that use some measurable quantity as the basis for assessing performance are referred to as 

a.​performance appraisals.

b.​objective methods.

c.​judgmental methods.

d.​subjective methods.

11…………………………………………A large manufacturing company has found that younger employees tend to have fewer medical problems than workers over 40. Therefore, management decided to hire only workers under 40 to reduce company health insurance costs. This is illegal under the

a.Older Workers Equal Employment Opportunity Act.

b.Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

c.Occupational Safety and Health Act.

d.Equal Pay Act

.e.Civil Rights Act of 1964.

12…………..All employers are required by law to provide certain benefits to their employees. An example of such a benefit would be insurance.

b.pension programs.

c.reduced-price cafeterias.

d.unemployment insurance. insurance.

13………………………A key technique for increasing employee motivation is

a.Theory X

.b.behavior modification.

c.scientific management.


e.modification of expectations.

14………….A motivation tool that attempts to provide workers with more tasks and more control over these tasks is

a.job rotation.

b.employee participation.

c.job enrichment.

d.compressed work schedules.

e.modified work weeks.

15………………According to Theory X by McGregor, managers assume that employees out and accept responsibility.

b.dislike work and need to be controlled.

c.have the potential to accomplish organizational goals.

d.will work toward goals they are committed to. not naturally dislike work.

16………….According to Theory Y by McGregor, managers think people

a.must be led because they have little ambition.

b.are concerned mainly with security

.c.must be coerced, controlled, and threatened.

d.have the ability to help accomplish an organization’s goals.

e.dislike work and try to avoid it.

17………………..All of the following are accurate statements about the expectancy theory except that is a very complex model of motivation. is necessary to show employees how to attain the outcomes they desire.

c.there are various reasons why employees work. is easy to apply.

e.the reasons people work may change.

18……………..All of the following are examples of Herzberg’s hygiene factors except

a.job security


d.working conditions.


19…………………….An employee’s attitude toward his or her job, supervisors, and the firm itself is termed






20………………………..Securing the acceptance of top management is the first step in an MBO program. Which of the following is not one of the four remaining steps?

a.Having the manager and subordinate work together to determine how the subordinate can work toward accomplishing company objectives

b.Conducting an evaluation

c.Reassigning the employee

d.Conducting a periodic review

e.Establishing preliminary goals

21……………..A plan that will enable an organization to make the best use of its resources to meet its objectives is called a program. strategy. orientation.

d.promotional plan.

e.production plan.


22……………………..All of the following are examples of employee benefits except

a.workers’ compensation insurance. insurance packages. for time not worked.

d.unemployment insurance. end-of-year bonus.

23……………………..Assessing employees’ performance levels to make objective personnel decisions is accomplished by

a.performance appraisals. and development.

c.skills inventories.

d.job analyses.

e.job evaluations.

24………………………..A contemporary manager who wants employees to have more control over their work might implement either

a.job enrichment or the Theory X system.

b.the Theory X or Theory Y system.

c.Theory X and Theory Y.

d.MBO or a reward system that emphasizes Theory X.

e.MBO or job enrichment.

All of the following are ways to collect useful marketing research information except

a.conducting telephone polls.

b.buying from commercial or governmental data sources.

c.conducting personal interviews.

d.impulsively stopping persons on the street to inquire about their buying habits.

e.sending questionnaires by mail.

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