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Assignment Help. I need some assistance with these assignment. ageism in a societal context Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. ageism in a societal context Thank you in advance for the help! From this paper it is clear that aging in a societal context likely affects the choices people make to present themselves and the decisions they make about those choices. If a society allows older people or let say people, this means it is giving confidence to people who want to believe, in fact who want to believe themselves. This belief can go along a long way to prevent any sort of inevitable deterioration, and older people gain the confidence of likely to be more active in their own self-care.

This study highlights that health providers have no doubt done a great deal of progress in the efforts to end the stereotypical myths surrounding the aging process, there are still some powerful images that govern both policies and programs dealing with older people. No perspective of ageism is more manifest than the stereotypical picture that older people are getting increasingly dependent and are becoming a desperate object of protection. It is through such stereotyped images of older people that help in creating enormous barriers to the development of policies based on the strengths of the individual and his or her right to self-determination.&nbsp.Age based decline is negatively estimated as most stereotypes create an image of an incompetent, woeful and dependent older person who only survive through the defences of hostile counter-attack or dissociation as according to negative stereotypes only such are the pathological ways of avoiding the awful reality of age-based decline.

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