Assignment Help

Assignment Help. I will pay for the following article Faculty Empowerment and the Changing University Environment. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Faculty Empowerment and the Changing University Environment. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Many of the traditional management concepts were given way for scientific management principles at present. For example, earlier, most of the organizations encourage autocratic management styles in their workplaces in order to derive maximum out of the employees. Moreover, traditional organizations encouraged only individual works. However, modern organizations adopt democratic style management in their workplaces and they also encourage teamwork in their workplaces. Relationship building is accepted as the core of every organizational function at present. Without employee empowerment programs it is difficult for organizations to prepare their employees capable of meeting the present and future challenges.

Most of the prominent organizations are working at an international environment at present. For example, most of the prominent universities have diverse instructors and students. For example, in many of the American and British universities, both the students and faculties constitute people from all over the world. Many Indian and Pakistani students and faculties are studying and working in these universities at present. Because of such extreme diversity in such campuses, the needs of the local students and foreign students may clash each other. Even the diverse faculties face difficulties in their profession because of the cultural differences between their country and that of other countries. Empowerment is the only way to prepare the faculties capable of meeting their professional challenges in the diverse environment.

“Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes” (Empowerment, 2009). It is difficult for a person to achieve the desired targets in his personal and professional life without seeking help from other sources. Moreover, the&nbsp.complexity of the job functions are growing day by day and without proper guidance, it is difficult for the employees to complete their tasks independently.&nbsp.

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