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Assignment Help. Need help with my writing homework on Women and The Law. Write a 1500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Women and The Law. Write a 1500 word paper answering; Women and The Law

One actually had mixed opinions in the article given that through the experiences of three women who opted out (Chimerine Irvin, Kuae Kelch Mattox, and Sheilah O’Donnel), some of these women turned out more advantageous for being accorded with the opportunities of finding more rewarding employment when they opted to return on the work force. despite obviously lower compensation. However, others who are not so fortunate could face greater anxieties for having to look for more productive endeavor at an age where they could in fact be discriminated on for entering the labor force at a much older age where younger, healthier and equally qualified contenders could be more than willing to accept positions at considerably lower pay. However, through the experiences that were relayed, it was commendable that those who were able to establish a network of professional colleagues while at their prime of the career, could still tap these network and resources to find rewarding opportunities to enter the labor force.

The difference of having taken the class is that one is more cognizant of theories and their applications to contemporary settings. As such, much appreciation is taken in crucial concerns, especially those affecting women in the workforce and their abilities to sustain supporting their respective families despite the challenges of balancing work and family life.

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