Assignment Help

Assignment Help. Read the article Will Technology Save Us From Overpopulation? by Julia Sommerfeld (October 12, 1999)   Read about Arcology on pages 345-347 of your textbook and in the article “Five Real-World Arcolo

  • Read the article Will Technology Save Us From Overpopulation? by Julia Sommerfeld (October 12, 1999)  
  • Read about Arcology on pages 345-347 of your textbook and in the article “Five Real-World Arcologies Under Construction”
  • Watch the USA Arizona: ArcoSanti mini documentary by Paolo Soleri

Post 1: What Have You Learned?

Given what you learned in the assigned readings/video, answer the following questions:

  • Describe your impressions of the article on technology and overpopulation.  
  • What school of thought are you most comfortable with and why; the bigger pie school, the fewer forks school, or the better manners school
  • Briefly describe your impressions of the arcology website and video.  
  • How does this theory deal with the issue of population?  Do any of the new projects appear to solve the problems associated with overpopulation?
  • *Must be at least one page long and in APA with references and intext citations 

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