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Assignment Help. Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Operational Planning for the Southern Port Food.

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Operational Planning for the Southern Port Food. To maintain their optimal performance in the ever-changing global landscape, Southern Port Food operation management grasped this reality which is considered to be facing the entire food industry. This was the only way through which they would ensure that they not only remain relevant in the industry but also remain competitive. (Brown, L. 2013)

It was incumbent upon the operation management at the Southern Port Foods to stay side by side of the trends and to engage proactive systems that would ensure it took advantage of the changes. Some specific challenges that the Southern Port Food was faced with including, but not limited to. technological advancement, globalization as well as the redefined marketplace. (Calabrese, R. L., 2009)

Globalization has no doubt radically changed the manner in which Southern Port Foods operates its business. The company has been forced to appreciate different techniques to deal with the change. (Carlsen, R., & Willis, D. A., 2007)

Southern Port Foods, could- and in most cases, had to- , base their operation in many other countries or other new locations in order to minimize the cost of operation and also maximize the efficiency of the performance. The company adopted this approach from other companies, which were not necessarily in the Food industry, such as Toyota Company, which is an automobile company with headquarter in Tokyo in Japan. (Contini, F., & Lanzara, G. F., 2009)

This company has made several investments in other countries including the United States of America. However much companies like Ford and GM would assume pride on being stooge domestic manufacturers, Avalon, which is a Toyota model is appreciated as one of the American-made cars (Devine, T., & Maassarani, T. F. 2011)

Southern Port Foods has also had varied with the information system and the advancement of technology. The company made advancement in its management in an evaluative manner, by venturing into modern technology, especially in the realms of communication. (Farrell, K, et.

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