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Assignment Help. Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on why is oedipus complex important as a source of neuroses Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on why is oedipus complex important as a source of neuroses Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Oedipus is the name of Greek mythological star, Oedipus, who in 5th century BC unintentionally murders his father, King Laius and ends up marrying his mother queen Jocasta. Oedipus Rex is a play written by Sophocles in 429 BC, based on this myth. Sigmund Freud attended the modern staging of the Sophocles’ play in Vienna and Paris in the 19th century where they were astoundingly successful. Freud first proposed an oedipal longing was universal, and that it is a psychological experience inherent to humans something that caused a lot of unconscious guilt. Freud arrived on this conclusion after analyzing his feelings while in attendance of the play, his sketchy observations of normal or neurotic children and finally on the fact that the play was successful on both modern as well as ancient audiences(Malinowski,2001).

Thus the Oedipus complex happens in the 3rd –phallic stage, which ranges from 3-6 years, normally of the 5 psychosexual development phases. the oral, anal, phallic, latent and finally genital-whereby the basis of libidinal pleasure is in another erogenous region of the body of the infant. In Freud’s classical psychoanalytic theory, an infant’s recognition of similar-sex parent is the effective resolving of the Oedipus complex as well as the Electra complex. In actuality. this is a major psychological experience which is essential for the advancement of a mature identity as well as the sexual role (Villick & Richards, 2013).

Freud in addition, further, put forth a proposal that girls and boys have different experiences of the complexes. girls in penis envy form and boys in castration anxiety form. Freud further suggested that unsuccessful resolving of the complexes may result in pedophilia, neurosis, as well as homosexuality. Men that are fixated on the oedipal stages of their psychosexual progress may be referred to as “mother-fixated” whereas for the girls it may be known as “father-fixated”. This in later life may result in choosing a partner who resembles one’s parent (Freud, 1962).

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