Assignment Help

Assignment Help. Please read the following guidelines: (1) You are expected to participate in three ways. If you do these three things, you will receive full credit for this portion of the assignment.   a. Pose at lea

Please read the following guidelines:

(1) You are expected to participate in three ways. If you do these three things, you will receive full credit for this portion of the assignment.  

a. Pose at least one interpretive question about the readings (either Fitzmyer or Gaventa). See the “Two Types of Questions” to understand what an interpretive question is. Post your interpretive question on the thread.  Include the page number you are referencing (either in the Gaventa or Fitzmyer reading).

b. Respond to at least one interpretive question on the board.

c. Pose at least one follow up question or answer on the board.

(2) To pose your interpretive question, simply hit the “reply button” at the top of the thread to start a new thread with your question. Peruse other threads to fulfill the other expectations of the discussion (#b and #c above).

Then, after u write down the interpretive question,  u have to read the paragraph below and write one small paragraph to respond(which is #b part)

{It says on page 71 and 72 of Fitzmyer’s writing that all humans are sinful and they never achieved the glory that their creator intended. He explains how Adam and Eve, the first humans are the ones who brought sin into the world. Do you think it is possible for humans to reach the point where their creator would think they have succeeded in living a virtuous and sin-free life? }

Assignment Help

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