Assignment Help

Assignment Help.   For this assignment, you are required to view the PowerPoints and other Week 1 Material inside the Week 1 Material folder which covers the introduction to Contract Management. Assignment Instruction

For this assignment, you are required to view the PowerPoints and other Week 1 Material inside the Week 1 Material folder which covers the introduction to Contract Management.

Assignment Instructions and Directions:

1.       Review the material in the Week 1 Material folder (and read Chapters 1-2 of your textbook, for example).

2.       Find a term or topic-specific example that you have first come across after reading these chapters. 

3.       In a 2-3 typed pages document, follow the assignment requirements below and explain any pre-determined bias you had toward the new term or topic and how the explanation further explored and clarified anything your may have previously misunderstood.

Assignment Help

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