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Assignment Help. Respond to this post 250 words. 2 apa cites no older than 4 years. I believe these images are saying that high stakes testing is not all children need in education. High stakes testing does not mak

Respond to this post 250 words. 2 apa cites no older than 4 years.  

I believe these images are saying that high stakes testing is not all children need in education. High stakes testing does not make a child a good student or a bad student. I do not agree that the state should mandate high stakes testing. High stakes testing only rewards those schools that score the highest. If schools are scoring low on the tests, shouldn’t funding be used to better these lower graded schools rather than schools who are already scoring high. “Test scores alone should not define school effectiveness” (Rothstein, 2008, p. 172). Rothstein’s statement is powerful in more ways than one. So much goes into this single statement. Teachers’ salaries should not be defined by the way students were able to memorize answers. Standardized tests take away more from a student’s education than it does their knowledge good. According to Supovitz, 2009, teachers and educators have a strong internal sense of responsibility for their profession. Even though most teachers want to teach their curriculum, they will change the way they teach, so their students score high on standardized testing. I feel schools should use alternative testing such as rubric and presentation.

Rothstein, R., Jacobsen, R., 8c Wilder, T. (2008). Grading Education: Getting accountability right. Washington, D.C. and New York, N. Y.: Economic Policy Institute and Teachers College Press.

Supovitz, J. (2009). Can high stakes tests leverage educational improvement? Prospects from the last decade of testing and accountability reform. Journal of Educational Change, 10(2-3), 211–227. doi: 10.1007/s10833-009-9105-2

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