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Assignment Help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Is Censorship Good or Bad for the Society. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Is Censorship Good or Bad for the Society. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The author of the paper states that censorship is both beneficial and disadvantageous but it should be applied for certain reasons and should be avoided for others. Several laws in the media industry have been created regarding the issue of censorship and the need for such laws has been highly demanded. On the other hand, those not in the favor of censorship state that censorship has no importance and complete viewership should be accepted by law and media. The debate regarding the question of whether censorship is good or bad for the interest of the public is viewed from several angles. Those who oppose censorship state that it violates constitutional rights.&nbsp.The coalition further stated that a society that is based on pluralist grounds can never agree on any issue and will have a difference of opinion and this difference of opinion is necessary to achieve creativity and growth that is intellectual in nature. This means that the coalition believes that one of the most important rights that an individual has is the freedom of communication and it is necessary to develop a healthy democracy. One of the concerns related to the infringing of the right to freedom of speech is that it will result in a chilling effect. The chilling effect is defined as a discouragement of conducting a completely lawful act due to fear of punishment (Margolis 103). Julie Hilden states that reactions that resulted due to the exposure and scandal of Janet Jackson allow the Congress to pass laws and regulations that are not necessary for the society (as cited in Tavani, 296). She even stated that censorship was assumed to be necessary by the Congress even if it infringes upon the right of freedom of speech and she even figured out that Congress is blaming – and imposing laws of censorship on – those parties that were not even directly or indirectly involved in the scandal. Powell has stated that he had no problems in applying liability and holding broadcasters responsible even if they were not the perpetrators of the crime (Minkin 123). Those who are in favor of censorship state that Constitution can be differently interpreted depending upon the case being argued. They even state that interpretation of freedom of speech under the First Amendment is not as easy to understand as it might seem.&nbsp.

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