Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. I need some assistance with these assignment. reflecting upon the different models of the criminal justice system we have studied, critically assess which you would most like Thank you in advance for

I need some assistance with these assignment. reflecting upon the different models of the criminal justice system we have studied, critically assess which you would most like Thank you in advance for the help! Later on, the Judicature Act of 1873 was passed and the Criminal Appeal Act of 1907. Due process model According to Sanders, Young and Burton the English criminal system just like the American one, emphasizes on adversarial procedures and due process safeguards. The relevance of the due process in the English law is advised by the fact witnesses could be biased or the police force may interfere with the whole process. By insisting on a formal adjudicative process, the accused are able to get justice and beside, the entire process prevents the miscarriage of justice as an end to itself. In addition the due process discourages the law enforcement agencies from abusing power and breaking rules, while encouraging the primacy of the individual citizen. The role of the police in the criminal justice system is very constrained. As Wells and Quick (2010) observe in Wales and England, police can go as far taking an inquisitorial role but cannot force citizens to produce testimony against their will. The due process starts once an adversarial relationship has been formed or after becomes a suspect. In all fairness once can see that the role of the police is very limited in English and Wales criminal system.

Article Writing Homework Help

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