Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. SVA History of Photography Fashion Appearance Modern Women & Clothing Essay

A 1000 works essay for history of photography class, talk about Dada, Modernism, Fashion Photography and Photographer Hannah Hoch and any other topics from sources, talk about why they influenced me and how they related to my work, based on my first draft and the brief.


Your assignment due on the 2nd is to write a draft of your final essay/PowerPoint/zine/graph including illustrations, in-text footnotes (in parenthesis with the author or website and the page number, if applicable) and a sources page, which you will be work-shopping with other students during class that day. You should post your draft to Canvas under this assignment before class and have your draft project available to your workshop members as a shareable on-line document.

The requirements for your final project, part of which all of you will be presenting during class on Wk 14, are:

1. The text in your presentation should be at least 1000 words long whether you are creating a zine, PowerPoint, essay, or graphic representation. Please use a legible and normal sized font (12 point) and if you are writing an essay, one-inch margins and normal spacing. Whatever design you choose for your final project, the text portion should be in paragraph form.

2. Each topic your discuss, including that of your own work, should include a labelled image with the artist’s name, the title of the work, its date of making, and its negative and positive process (or other materials) used. Illustrations and their captions do not count toward length. Your text should be in your own words as much as possible, and quotations and paraphrases should be footnoted in parenthesis in your text by author and page and listed on a “sources” page at the end of your project.

3. Besides discussing your own work, your final project should discuss at least 6 photo-historical developments and/or photographic practices which we discussed in class, viewed in student presentations or my presentations, or which arose because of our virtual visit to MOMA and the MET and which particularly interested you. At least 3 of your topics should pertain to topics we studied in week 8 (the MOMA/MET visit) to week 12. You can use more than 3 topics from those weeks if you wish. Go to our Canvas modules to check the content we discussed each week.

4. At least one topic should relate to an article you wrote a response to (or which was discussed by other students during a week when you presented) and at least one other to a technical development in the history of photography. If you wish to use a technical development which we have not discussed in class you are free to do that (for example enlargement, or the telephoto or wide-angle lens) as long as you lay out its history and significance and tie it to your work. Here is the George Eastman video on digital should you want to use it:

Digital Photography – Photographic Processes Series – Chapter 12 of 12 (链接到外部网站。)

Digital Photography – Photographic Processes Series – Chapter 12 of 12

You can use more than one technical issue and more than one reading response in your project if you wish, but you don’t have to.

5. For you own work, emphasize the concepts behind it and the strategies you’ve chosen to execute it. For other photohistorical topics such as individual photo movements, photographers’ practices, technical developments, and ideas from readings, you should describe each topic fully. If you are discussing a reading, tell us some of its main ideas before writing about your response to it. If you are writing about a movement, technique, or photographer’s practice, you will need to tell us, in your own words as much as possible, the ideas behind the movement, technique or practice and the historical setting in which it occurred. For example, if you chose to write about Dada, you might include what Dada artists thought about prior fine art and why, what materials they used and why, and what subject matter they chose. You night also include how they distributed their work. Use your textbook and museum sites as your basic sources of information. Wikipedia and general reference sources (like non-specialized encyclopedias) are not suitable as sources. Be as specific in your descriptions as you possibly can be. Then, after you have described your development, movement, artistic practice or reading, discuss what you think about it and why it interests you.

6. Your project is essentially a take-home final which you have the opportunity to tailor to your own interests and its emphasis should be on what connections you see between your chosen topics and between them and your own practice. Think about how you could use the ideas, strategies, and inventions of photographers and theorists in the history of photography in your own work.

In preparation for choosing your topics and creating your project, review your class reflections, your reading responses and students’ and my presentations, and my comments to your mid-semester draft. If you can not access my comments, please let me know. Your text needs to demonstrate your knowledge of important technical and art historical developments in the history of photography, your ability to analyze and respond to critical texts, and your skill in thinking and writing about your own work within the context of the history and theory of photography.

Writing Homework Help

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