Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Must have GREAT GRAMMAR skills

Please read the The Cask of Amontillado (it’s a short story). I’m a writing a narrative of what happened before this story. Then, revise my essay.

There are a great many grammatical errors- including missing words, subject-verb agreement errors, sentence fragments( in the first paragraph) etc… These take your reader out of the story and prevent it from being effective.

Also, you need to be conscious of the 19th century setting. You include some anachronisms such as a pack of cigarettes that did not exist, so replace it with something else. Also, replace the description the cheeta print pants of what Fortunato was wearing.

*In general, if you see anything that doesn’t belong in the 19th century setting replace it something else with DESCRIPTIVE words.

Please start right away.

Writing Homework Help

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