Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Discussion responses (JUS510)

1- “Good research questions do not necessarily produce good research, but poorly conceived or constructed questions will likely create problems that affect all subsequent stages of a study. In qualitative studies, the ongoing process of questioning is an integral part of understanding the unfolding lives and perspectives of others” (Agee, 2009). The quality of the initial questions impacts whether or not a study is approved by a dissertation committee, published, or funded (Agee, 2009).

“At the heart of this approach are methods for representing what Geertz (1973, 10) called the ‘microscopic’ details of the social and cultural aspects of individuals’ lives… He noted that it is not enough to describe a wink and label it as a behavior. Rather, ‘the thing to ask’ about human behaviors is ‘what their import is’ (Geertz 1973, 10)” (Agee, 2009).

The process in selecting problem areas and formulating research questions depends on the questions asked and the problems the researcher encounters within the studies. When doing research many researchers need to understand the cost, time, place traveling to and from, the materials that are needed for the study and research. Researchers have a budget they need to abide by and also put into consideration the time frame because if the research goes beyond that they will not be able to finish the study in time. Some qualitative research strategies that can be used to get the data that is needed are individual interviews, focus groups, observations, and action research.

Jane Agee (2009) Developing qualitative research questions: a reflective process, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 22:4, 431-447, DOI: 10.1080/09518390902736512

2- Social Scientists or investigators when they are conducting and formulating research need to take into account how to produce a research questions that they can research, in order to get the information that is needed. When it comes to qualitative studies, there is a variety of types of methods to use and express information. It is more of a qualitative research is focused little more person-centered approach. A couple methods that can be named are ethnography, narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, and a case study (Sauro, 2015). Depending on the method used, each kind helps with a different type of research, and data that is being used.

Sauro, J. (2015, October 13). 5 Types of Qualitative Methods. Retrieved October 22, 2020, from https://measuringu.com/qual-methods/

3-When determining a research project, it is important to understand the underlying goals. For criminal justice research this is achieved by selecting problem areas that need to be addressed. This is often done by conducting interviews and gathering data. It is imperative that an appropriate research question is identified during these interviews to ensure that there is information being obtained that is relevant to the study (Wagner, 2020).

In order to obtain a truly qualitative research study there is a need to conduct in depth information gathering from subjects. This could include observations, in person oversight, interviews, and/or group sessions. This information gets beyond counting numbers and helps to determine what the root cause of the issue at hand is.

Wagner, B. (2020). Using Educational Criticism and Connoisseurship for Qualitative Research. Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue, 22(1/2), 327–330.

USE APA style in your responses. 100+ words each response

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