Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Final Exam on Augmentative Communication

There are 3 scenarios and 1 question. Once the tutor accept this question, I will give you access to all material.


  1. For this scenario, discuss whether the scenario depicts (a) a lack of spontaneity, (b) a lack of generalization, OR (c) a lack of maintenance
  2. For this scenario, explain what might have happened during communication training that brought about these limited results.
  3. For this scenario, discuss two strategies that could be used to address the problem presented in that scenario. In your discussion, identify and present an example of how the strategy could be used. How can implementing these strategies from the onset of teaching communication skills keep such limited results from occurring in the future?

Scenario #1: You have worked hard to help one of your students to acquire communication skills. The student is now successful in participating in a number of exchanges with communication partners. However, you note that he responds only to questions from others and he does not initiate any interactions of any kind.


  1. For this scenario, discuss whether the scenario depicts (a) a lack of spontaneity, (b) a lack of generalization, OR (c) a lack of maintenance.
  2. For this scenario, explain what might have happened during communication training that brought about these limited results.
  3. For this scenario, discuss two strategies that could be used to address the problem presented in that scenario. In your discussion, identify and present an example of how the strategy could be used. How can implementing these strategies from the onset of teaching communication skills keep such limited results from occurring in the future?

Scenario #2: A student transfers to your classroom mid-year from another classroom in your school where she had a one-on-one teacher due to intense needs. (Luckily, those same intense needs are not being displayed and the student is now going to be in a classroom with other students. The previous teacher has been transferred to another school and another program and is no longer available.) In the transition portfolio that you received, the previous teacher expressed her pride in and shared supporting data showing how well the student used her Go Talk 9+, her mini-schedules for various activities, and her lunch time choice board (for lunch that occurred alone and not in the presence of other students). However, when the student arrives to your classroom you observe that this communication does not occur with you, the aide assigned to the class, or with peers.


  1. or this scenario, discuss whether the scenario depicts (a) a lack of spontaneity, (b) a lack of generalization, OR (c) a lack of maintenance.
  2. For this scenario, explain what might have happened during communication training that brought about these limited results.
  3. For this scenario, discuss two strategies that could be used to address the problem presented in that scenario. In your discussion, identify and present an example of how the strategy could be used. How can implementing these strategies from the onset of teaching communication skills keep such limited results from occurring in the future?

Scenario #3: You have worked very hard on implementing an AAC solution with a student in your class throughout the semester. This person made tremendous progress and is doing quite well in using the targeted AAC strategies. Everyone is aware that the summer break will soon be here. Now we are leaping into the future and we are in August. When everyone returns after the summer, you watch your targeted individual. It appears that the person forget most of the skills that were acquired this spring during implementation of the AAC solution.


Ms. Smith completed a comprehensive AAC assessment in the early part of the school year in order to make an appropriate feature match for one of her students who had significant AAC needs. Based on the assessment results, Ms. Smith detailed the specifications an appropriate VOCA would need to have. She subsequently borrowed two VOCAs from an assistive technology loan library. Both devices met the specifications and she field tested both devices with the student. In a report she summarized the data showing that both devices were effective in meeting the student’s needs. She compiled vender information for purchasing each device. Each device cost approximately $500. At the IEP meeting, Ms. Smith presented the assessment results, showed her data regarding the effectiveness of the devices in meeting the student’s needs, and showed how the devices were needed in order to provide the student with a free appropriate public education as mandated by law. She also pointed out that it was only necessary to purchase one device. The administrator listened attentively and then apologized to Ms. Smith and the parent stating that the school district was in a budget crisis and that a freeze had been put all purchases and that there are absolutely no funds to be expended. The principal went on to add that he knew the parents had a great insurance plan and that the state had a monetary loan program specifically for such devices. He further stated that the parents should explore obtaining the device through their private insurance or by getting a monetary loan if necessary.

To answer this question, assume that you are an advocate who the parents contact following the IEP meeting. In reviewing the situation, what would you tell the parents in terms of funding for the AAC device?

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