Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. social research methods

Students will work on creating a short literature review on the topic/issue they selected by finding six (6) peer-reviewed scholarly sources that relate to the topic.

You will use these articles to write a 4-5 double-spaced page literature review that (1) briefly synthesizes the main findings on the particular topic/issue, and (2) provides an overview of the common methodological approaches used to study this topic, and (3) establishes at least 2 hypotheses for your study to be used to answer your overarching research question in the next parts of the project.

The literature review should aim to synthesize the studies rather than only discuss one article at a time. Be sure to insert a reference section and in-text citations following ASA guidelines at the end of your document with these articles included in it. Look at the documents under the files for more information on synthesizing the material as well as citation information for ASA style.

Writing Homework Help

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