Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Bradford Investor Sentiment and Market Volatility Paper

  1. Maximum word count of the work should be about 3000 words, excluding title page, contents
    page, tables, figure and appendices;
  2. The work should be written in easy-to-read English using an academic style, and without
    journalistic hyperbole.
  3. Pagination: each page is to be numbered consecutively from 1, except the first.
  4. The first page is the title page and the second page is a contents page.
  5. The title page has to contain the title, and the word count.
  6. The body of contents is to be sectionalized and numerically ordered.
  7. Minimum font size is Times Roman 12 pt or equivalent, with double or 1.5 line spacing.
  8. Text is to be justified both left and right.
  9. Tables and figures have to have a title and be numerically labeled. If convenient, they are to be
    placed in close proximity to the relevant text, or if large, exhibited following the conclusion.
  10. All external sources of information are to be cited using Harvard style. Complete details of all
    citations are to be collected under the “List of References”.
  11. Equations such as formulas should be entered using an equation editor, and numbered. Complex
    derivations should be assigned to an appendix.

12. report style table of content and content.

Writing Homework Help

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