Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Drafting a research proposal for an Ex Post Facto study

1. Research Proposal should include:

a. Literature Review and Research Gap (~ 1 page)

b. Research Question

c. Theoretical and Practical Implications (~ 0.5 page)

d. Theoretical Framework (~ 0.75 page)

e. Hypothesis

f. Design

g. Variables

h. Participants

i. Materials

j. Procedure

k. References

l. Appendices.

2. Research Proposal should be typed according to APA style.

3. The length of your Research Proposal should be no more than 5 pages, excluding title/cover
page, references, and appendices. Additional pages will not be marked.

4. You need to use AT LEAST 5 primary articles from peer-reviewed journals as references in
your Research Proposal.

Writing Homework Help

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