Statistics Homework Help

Statistics Homework Help. the following sample data sets. Find the appropriate center of the data (mean or median) and the appropriate

the following sample data sets. Find the appropriate center of the data (mean or median) and the appropriate

measure of variability (standard deviation or interquartile range). Explain why you chose these measures. Describe the shape of the data distribution and explain why you chose that shape. Include any information that will help your readers understand or visualize your data set.

DATA SET B 302.4 262.8 255.6 214.2 230.4 345.6 237.6 253.8 370.8 333.0 271.8 266.4 280.8 271.8 358.2 354.6 228.6 302.4 270.0 266.4 361.8 273.6 252.0 307.8 295.2 297.0 313.2 295.2 183.6 320.4 252.0 279.0 304.2 289.8 280.8 372.6 288.0 289.8 320.4 288.0

RSW XZAAAB AC ADAEBCDEGHKOQ1302.4183.6BinFrequencyHistogram262.8mean214.218003255.6288.5AVERAGE(A1:A40)228.6190214.2230.42000230.4median237.62100 -345.6…

Statistics Homework Help

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