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Adaption in biology book. I have a long question Each situation below is an example of

Adaption in biology book.

I have a long question

Each situation below is an example of

stabilizing, directional or disruptive selection. Explain which type of selection applies to each of the following five situations.

1) the typical number of eggs found in robin nests if the environment of the birds remain the same.

2) The beak size of a seed eating bird in an environment that has unergone serious drought. After the drought, the only plants that were successful in producing seeds were those that produced small, hard seeds.

3) The length of a horses leg bones if modern horses evolved from a tiny ancestor that was built for moving through woodlands and thickets. The modern horse is open for speed on the modern grasslands.

4) A species of butterflies whos color varies aling a continuum from red blue to violet. The butterfly habitat is invaded by a flock of insectivorous birds attracted to the same color.

5) The length of a monkeys tail if a short tail does not allow the monkey to swing in trees, while a long tail impedes its movement in jungle trees.

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