Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 11 Biology Biology Preliminary Pedagogical Approach Assessment Template

1. A clear rationale that discusses the learners/class/school this unit has been designed for and pedagogical approach you have taken in planning the unit, with reference to relevant curriculum, theory, and literature (700 words). It should be presented as a coherent rationale and use APA 7th Edition referencing. This will be presented as the first page(s) of your assessment.

2. A detailed unit of work you have developed for a Stage 5 science (for 4-6 weeks)living world using relevant outcomes, syllabus content, concepts and s******s that is supportive of diverse learners and shows evidence of differentiation and formative assessment (the structure of the unit of work will be based on the Teaching Area requirements).

3. A range of resources that will be provided in the unit including at least three quality example of a digital artefact that supports students’ learning and develops their ICT sources (such as-google slides, i-movie, website). These resources may include original resources and existing resources (but all existing resources must be appropriately referenced).

Science Homework Help

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