Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. I need response for the following

Anaerobic metabolism plays a role in poor oral health due to bacteria growing under the surface of plaque (Campbell et al., 2018). According to the textbook, “The bacteria growing under the surface of the plaque must utilize anaerobic metabolism because oxygen does not diffuse readily through the waxy surface of dental plaque” (2018). This is why it’s not only important to have good oral hygiene, but to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Foods and drinks that are high in sugar can cause bacteria to grow much faster in the mouth, “sucrose is perhaps the most efficiently used sugar because the bacteria can make their polysaccharide ‘glue’ more efficiently from this nonreducing sugar” (Campbell et al., 2018). It’s common to see fluoride in toothpaste and mouthwash, it is a mineral used to prevent tooth decay and strengthen enamel (Healthline, 2019). Increasing enamel strength through the use of fluoride and maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing everyday, can inhibit the metabolism of bacteria in the mouth that leads to poor oral health and cavities (Campbell et al., 2018).


How does anaerobic metabolism play a role in poor oral health?

Caries is one indicator of poor oral health. Caries (cavities) is defined as the decay and crumbling of tooth or bone. “The demineralization of the enamel and of the dentine is caused by organic acids that form in the dental plaque because of bacterial activity, through the anaerobic metabolism of sugars found in the diet” (Scardina, G. A., & Messina, P., 2012). When a person does not effectively rid the mouth of the bacteria that causes these organic acids to form, they start to break down the enamel of the teeth.

Science Homework Help

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