Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO LAB – Animal Behavior – Investigation of the Correlation between Crayfish arm leght and aggressive Behaviors.

Animal Behavior Assignment Guidelines

Brief background: In this exercise you measured various morphological traits of crayfish. You then determined dominance of individual crayfish by observing agonistic behaviors when interacting with other crayfish. The goal of this project is to determine whether ‘winning’ and ‘losing’ crayfish statistically differ in size for the various traits you measured.

BEFORE LEAVING LAB COMPLETE #’s 1-5 BELOW and get signed by TA to receive participation points.

• 1) Discuss with your table and have each group
member select their own unique to write about. No student in a group should have the same variable. Write your variable below:

Arm length

• 2) What is the null hypothesis for study?

Arm length does not matter

• 3) What statistical test will you use for this


• 4) What type of graph will you make? Bar Graph

Below is a list of expectations to help guide you as you complete this assignment:


¨ Your name, section number, student ID, and TA name included at top of document

Title Formatting

¨ Title is formatted correctly and contains the three main components expected Abstract formatting

¨ Abstract body logically flows from Introduction to Discussion and includes all expected components


¨ 1 figure is presented and is properly formatted Figure Captions

¨ 1 Figure caption below figure that includes all expected components References

¨ 2 relevant JOURNAL references cited in CSE format

Science Homework Help

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