Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. [200 words] just do part 1 abstract

just do part 1 abstract = total 200 words


please find attached the PDF file regarding the instructions. The PDF file will give an over review about the subject the last 2 slides are task requirements and instructions.

AREA of research: Transmission & prevention

Here are one source regarding the research. Please provide other two sources that support the area of research.

SUBJECT: Successful Elimination of Covid-19 Transmission in New Zealand LITRATURE RIVEWER SOURCE:

it’s gonna be 2 part

part one

Abstract (not more than 200 words) with not more than 5 key words (10 points): should include sentence(s) on background/problem of the project, project objective, summary sentence (s) of the proposed approach/design to address the problem and expected outcome (s)

The deadline for the abstract is Friday, Nov 14 – midnight Pacific Time but before you start with the second part I have to review it and I’m gonna give you my review at Monday 16th

part 2

the rest of the research is expected to be done by Nov 27th and the earlier the better

Science Homework Help

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