Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. please read and follow the requirements

  1. Parodia warasii Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul)
  2. Verbascum bombyciferum ‘Arctic summer’ silver mullein
  3. Cleistocactus strausii, silver torch, Bolivia (Tarija)
  4. Aeonium decorum ‘sunburst’
  5. Anthurium scherzerianum ‘Dutch Treat’
  6. Aeonium arboreum ‘Atropurpureum’
  7. Echinocactus grusonii, golden barrel cactus, Central Mexico
  8. Eastern amberwing
  9. Canada Goose Duck
  10. American bullfrog
  11. Blue-tailed Skink
  12. great spangled fritillary butterfly
  13. Platymeris biguttatus
  14. Mexican orange kneed tarantula
  15. Darkling beetle
  16. Macleay’s spectre (Australian Stick Insect) Extatosoma tiaratum.
  17. Lubber grasshopper
  18. Centipedes
  19. Paper kite butterfly
  20. Owl butterfly

Each one must include the following:

  • Common Name
  • Species Name
  • 5 things youfind most interesting about the organism. (Explain each fact).
  • What it eats? Or What eats it, or what it provides shelter or habitat for?
  • How does it produce young and how many does it tend to hav

Science Homework Help

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