Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Patient Education Book Instructions:

Patient Education Book Instructions:

Students will complete an original visual oral hygiene education book that will be helpful during patient education. This book will be used during your oral hygiene education, so the book should be professional, disinfectable and portable. The contents should include a few simple words and clear pictures for patient to understand quickly.

(Required Format)

Use pictures from magazine ads, coupons, web sites and pictures that you took or scanned.

Use a mini album (You can get this from 99 cent stores, drug stores etc.).

Use a glue to stick a picture on a page OR use computer software (MS word or other photo editor) and create a page to fit in the album.

The book must have all the following topics and specified contents in the specific order. (It helps me to grade quicker, so please follow the order specified.)

One page for each topic, if you need more you can use more pages though more pages do not mean a better grade.

1. Healthy Gums and Dentition (One nice picture of a good, healthy smile)

2. Signs of Gingivitis, progression of Periodontal Disease, Dental Biofilm & Calculus

3. Progression of Dental Decay

4. Scaling, rootplaning, and debridement (non-surgical periodontal therapy)

5. Flossing technique and samples of flosses on the market

6. Brushing technique

7. Types of toothbrushes (The ones that you will recommend to patients)

8. Types of power toothbrushes available (on current market must be presented)

9. Additional interdental aids (Proxabrushes -several size and shapes, End-tuft, toothpick, Stimudent, stimulator must be presented)

10. Hypersensitivity and its treatment (Sensodye and any other dentrifice with hypersensitivity tx available current market)

11. Home fluoride rinse, gel, dentifrice available for patient to use at home (ACT, Prevident, Gel Kam must be presented. Specify OTC or Rx, how to use each product)

12. Professional fluoride (Include Prescription fluoride supplements and its schedule)

13. Mothrinses available on current market (samples for anticaries, xerostomia, alcohol free, antigigivitis and its active ingredients)

14. Xerostomia (the cause, things to avoid, things to help the symptoms)

15. Smoking cessation products and referral (counseling) agency information

16. Types of restorations (include crown, fillings, bridges, implants, denture etc…)

17. Your own choice of topic for patient education

Patient Education Book Grading Criteria:

● Contains all the topics above.

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