Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Medical topic on the skeletal muscles

Requirements for your article:

1- Article is about a biological, medical, or health topic THAT IS OR WAS DISCUSSED IN THIS COURSE from an acceptable source (scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, Internet sites.

Examples of science websites:

2- Article was published within four months of the due date—the date of the article needs to be on the actual article, not written on nor will I accept the date in the footnote of a printout

3- Article is at least 150 words in length but no longer than 2 pages in length

4- Copy of your article, including the source and date of the article, is turned in with your paper (You can upload a pdf version of your online science article or scan an article if there is no electronic version.)

Your paper will NOT be graded if a copy of the article is not attached with it or if the article does not meet the aforementioned requirements.

Requirements for your paper:

  • 1-2 typed pages (double-spaced, 12 font); no handwritten pages will be accepted! 2 points
  • Summary paragraph 4 points:

    – Begin with ONE complete sentence that accurately presents the main idea of the article

    – Subsequent sentences should answer most of the 6 journalistic questions:

    Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why?, How?

    – Overall paragraph should be at least 8 grammatically complete sentences

    (no text message language please)

    – Should be written in standard English and the 3rd person (Ex., he, she, one, or they)

    Reaction paragraph 4 points:

    – Reaction includes how the article influenced or inspired you

    – Reaction statements must relate to main idea of the article

    – Overall paragraph should be at least 8 grammatically complete sentences

    (no text message language please)

    *Medical topic on the skeletal muscles or joints

    Science Homework Help

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