Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Chemistry & Microbiology Food Lab QC

Write a report about a Food laboratory on how to Quality Control the whole process from receiving the sample to releasing the results, the food lab consist of 2 Labs:

  • Chemistry lab ( Toxicology or residual pesticide analysis laboratory )
  • Microbiology lab
  • Mention all required equipment’s & their functionality
  • Mention where quality should be controlled.

-Mention all required equipment’s & their functionality

-Mention where quality should be controlled.

In details talk about how you can implement ISO/IEC 17025 to and have a laboratory that meets the quality standards and in accordance the ISO.

  • All resources to be Academic & avoid the use of non-academic website and any journal w/o author.
  • All references should be in APA.
  • Must include illustrations & pictures & graphs for better explanation – if used please provides the source under the picture and the title above the picture.
  • Minimum 2000 words

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