Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. graph to show how volume of co2 increases with temperature in a soft drink bottle

Question: Create a graph to show how the volume of CO2 increases with an increase in temperature in a 1.25L soft drink bottle. Show exploding point.

Info provided: The local corner shop stores their 1.25 L soft drink products on some shelves in a storeroom at the back of the shop. The weather forecast for the coming weekend is said to reach temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius and shop keeper is worried that his stores of soft drink might explode as it is usually 5 degrees warmer inside his storeroom. Data suggests that a 1.25 L bottle of coke can safely hold 8L of gas before it explodes. Presume that the volume of gas held is in proportion to the size of the bottle, the volume of the bottles in the experiment were 300 mL (which was 0.44grams). We also have these calucaltions to use:

Temperature will reach 45 degrees celsius

Convert Temperature to Kelvin: 45 + 273.15 = 318.15 K

Standard state temperature is 25 degrees C (298.15 K)

Molar volume of a gas at 25 degrees C and 100kPa pressure is 24.8L

Gas Constant is 8.314

Using PV =nRT

P = nRT/V

= RT/Vm = (8.314 (Gas constant j mol -1K-1) x 298.15 (Kelvin)) / (24.8 L (molar volume) x 10-3)

= 99.95 x 103 Pa

= 9.995 x 104 Pa

When temperature raised to 318.15K

P2 = P1 x T2 / T1 = (9.995 x 104 x 318.15) / 298.15 Pa

= 10.665 x 104 Pa (greater than the maximum pressure so the bottle will explode).

ii) If they are, what can be done to mediate the risk of explosion?

to mediate the risk of explosion: P2 / P1 = T2/T1

10.665 x 104 / 9.995 x 104 = T2 / 298.15

1.067 = T2/ 298.15

T2 = 298.15 x 1.067

T2 = 318.13 K

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