Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Week 7 discussion

A high quality post is defined as the following: “Shows your contributions to each topic indicate your mastery of the materials assigned. Your responses might integrate multiple views and/or show value as a seed for reflection for other participants’ responses to the thread. You provide evidence that you are reading the assigned materials and other student postings and are responding accordingly, bringing out interesting interpretations. You know the facts and are able to analyze them and handle conceptual ideas” (Canvas syllabus page). High quality posts will also be at least 30 words in length and include one additional credible source.

This week read “Cancers You Can Catch (Links to an external site.)“. Discuss vaccines for cancers. How and why do they work? When don’t they work? Pros and cons of getting such vaccines. Etc. You must either discuss a new point than all of the postings before you or comment/ elaborate on another student’s post. (I have attached 2 students post to reply to)

Science Homework Help

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