Psychology Homework Help

This reading and the Lecture for (next week) Week 12 conclude gender inequality. It’s obvious the Chambers book is focusing on women & inequality, as it also focuses on class. Similarly, the Kot

This reading and the Lecture for (next week) Week 12 conclude gender inequality.  It’s obvious the Chambers book is focusing on women & inequality, as it also focuses on class.  Similarly, the Kotlowitz book focuses on racial inequality, while it also focuses on class.  In fact, the way I view inequality and teach this class is to make you aware of the intersections of class with all other inequalities discussed.  Example:  If you are old and upper middle class, you will certainly experience ageism.  But, ageism you experience will be different than ageism an older working poor person experiences.  Your education, wealth, and former professional status will give you some “padding” and protection.  

So, the lecture for Week 12 is about spouse/partner abuse & family violence.  In this Chambers Reading (pp. 167-200) (Chapter 12 & 13), we are immersed in the results of spouse or partner violence, complicated by poverty and drugs, especially the opioid crisis.  Many of you in this class will be dealing with the results of the opioid crisis in your work either directly in criminal justice, through counseling, or through the law.  Federal law enforcement in the Border Patrol, Customs agents, DEA  & ATF have in the last few years, reduced the amount of fentanyl coming from China and through Mexico, the main pathways. 

Question 1:  After you have read, please write a summary of Susie’s life (Aunt Ruth’s step-granddaughter).  At the end, write one sentence saying what you think the connection is between poverty and drug abuse.

Question 2:  Summarize the problems Cassie encounters trying to help poverty-stricken women through the courts in Eastern Kentucky.

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