Psychology Homework Help

Read the powerpoints and article, and answer the question. Please don’t use any outside sources, everything based on the documents I uploaded. For topic of Obesity: -Contrast the prevalence of obesity

Read the powerpoints and article, and answer the question.

Please don’t use any outside sources, everything based on the documents I uploaded.

For topic of Obesity:

-Contrast the prevalence of obesity and eating disorders. How is the etiology of eating disorders and obesity-related?

– What is BMI?

– Why doesn’t homeostasis prevent humans from becoming obese? I recommend you are very specific in your response, identifying and describing at least two important factors/concepts.

– What did you learn from the Hall et al., 2019 clinical inpatient study comparing unprocessed and ultra-processed foods?

Malik reading

-What does “positive energy balance” mean? How does globalization contribute to this?

– Note interventions to curb obesity. Describe one potential policy implementation identified by the reading. Is it successful? What are the barriers?

For topic of Food Reward:

– What is the American Heart Association daily allowance for added sugars?

– Describe the positive incentive perspective

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