Psychology Homework Help

Assignments: Read the following article: Gamble, T., & Walker, I. (2016). Wearing a bicycle helmet can increase risk taking and sensation seeking in adults. Psychological Science, 27(2), 289

Assignments: Read the following article: Gamble, T., & Walker, I. (2016). Wearing a bicycle helmet can increase risk taking and sensation seeking in adults. Psychological Science, 27(2), 289-294. doi: 10.1177/0956797615620784 Assessment: After reading the article, answer the following questions: What is the basic design of this study? Describe the manipulation of the independent variable and identify the manipulation as straightforward or staged. In this article, what types of dependent measures are used? (self-report, behavioral, or physiological) Could other types have been used? Do you think the deception used in this study is ethical? Why or why not?

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