Psychology Homework Help

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation analyzing the formation of habits using behavioral and social-cognitive approaches. Your presentation should cover the following areas: Analyze one of your habits

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation analyzing the formation of habits using behavioral and social-cognitive approaches. Your presentation should cover the following areas:

  • Analyze one of your habits. How did you develop this habit? Were there role models for this habit? Which people influenced the adoption of this habit?
  • Why do you continue it? Has there been a time when you have attempted to break this habit?
  • Use the behavioral personality theory to explain why you have this habit.
  • Describe components of social-cognitive theory that explain why the habit formed.
  • Develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change this habit.
  • Between the behavioral and social-cognitive theories, which one do you find best explains your personality?

Include detailed speaker notes on each slide, along with title and reference slides.

Provide 3 to 4 references.

Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

  • My habit is twirling my hair with my finger. I do it when I go to bed. I used to twirl my grandmother’s at bedtime as well as my 3 daughter’s at bedtime. Now that my daughters are grown, they twirl their hair as well. 
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