Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSCI 142 University of Tampa Generics Iterators and the List ADT Java Project

This program is meant to give you practice with Generics, Iterators and the List ADT. You will load 2
separate provided files. The first one contains numbers which you will load into an ArrayList of type
Double. The second one is a comma-separated-values list of students, which you load into a LinkedList
of type Student, a custom class that you will create. You will display the list of numbers and the list
of students using the same method implemented with Generics. You will also use OOP Abstraction by
having the Student class implement the Comparable interface. By doing so, you will be able to use the
Collections.sort() method on your list of Student objects to effectively sort them. Finally, you will
code a method to remove students that have grades less than an A (90%).

Programming Homework Help

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