Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Database design


Include in this section the following subsections:

  • 2.1 Company/Organization Name (0.25)
    • One paragraph describing the company or organization for which the database is build
    • If you cite information from the web, be sure you use correct citation and references to your sources.
  • 2.2 Unit Name (0.25)
    • One paragraph describing the unit/department for which your database is build
    • If you cite information from the web, be sure you use correct citation and references to your sources.
  • 2.3 Database Scope (0.25)
    • One paragraph, followed by bullet points describing what your database will store and why
    • Be sure for each scope aspect you include a web reference to the web page showing that aspect


  • Be sure you have a statement for each entity describing the attributes that the entity must have from the customer perspective. (0.25 total)
    • An entity instance of E1 is in relation R with (zero or one, exactly one, zero or more, one or more) entity instances of E2
    • An entity instance of E2 is in relation R with (zero or one, exactly one, zero or more, one or more) entity instances of
  • Be sure you have two statements for each relationship: E1 R E2 (0.25 points)

SECTION 4: ENTITIES (0.25 points)

  • You must include a list of entities (including bridge entities)
  • If the name is not self evident include in parentheses an explanation
  • Be sure the names are singular, noun phrases and they follow the same conventions
  • You must have between 8-10 entities


  • You must include a list of relationships, in the format ENTITY 1 NAME relationship name ENTITY 2 NAME
  • If the name is not self evident include in parentheses an explanation
  • Be sure the names of the relationships are third person verb phrases and they follow the same conventions
  • You must have between 8-10 relationships
  • All the entities used for relationships must have the same name as those in section 4


  • Draw a conceptual ERD. Include a picture of the ERD in the project and the source file with your submission.
  • You can use MySQL Workbench or any other tool. If you draw the ERD by hand be sure is easily readable.
  • Entities (0.5 points)
  • Relationships (0.5 points

Programming Homework Help

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