Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Image Processing

Ninety-nine things to do (actually only 8 or 9) :

  1. Fix the reset function in the pulldown menu. I fixed it on mine now, but it’s a good practice on learning the code and figuring out what’s going on.
  2. Rotate image 90 degrees, odd shaped images should work…….mine did when I went back and looked at.
  3. Turn an image into grayscale and display it, use the “Luminosity” method for grayscale conversion. You can put the grayscale value using the three channel, you don’t have to create a new image.
  4. Blur the grayscale image, use an average of surrounding pixels to blur the image, you will need a second array so you don’t use already blurred pixels in your calculations. First, call the grayscale method from number three.
    1. The last thing set the original picture array to your temporary blurred array and call resetPicture()
  5. Turn a color image into a grayscale image first and then do a minimum of 3×3 mask to do edge detection. 5×5 will work better and be worth more.
    1. See notes below
  6. Show a histogram of the colors in a separate window
    1. See notes below
  7. Use the values in the histogram to equalize the image:
    1. Use the mapping function to normalize the distribution evenly
  8. Track a colored object… is easiest. Result is a binary image that is black except where the colored object is located.
    1. See notes below (I’ll also cover this next Wednesday)

Use HIMP that I linked in above.

Don’t forget to resetPicture()


Edge Detection

Start with a 3×3 mask (multiply each pixel and surrounding pixels by the multiplier) like this:

-1 -1 -1
-1 8 -1
-1 -1 -1

But if you want a much better line try this:

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1
-1 0 0 0 -1
-1 0 16 0 -1
-1 0 0 0 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1

//This is in my histogram function in IMP

//first count all pixel values in R and G and B array

// Then pass those arrays to MyPanel constructor

//Then when button is pushed call drawHistogram in MyPanel… write DrawHistogram

//Don’t forget to call repaint();

JFrame redFrame = new JFrame(“Red”);

redFrame.setSize(305, 600);

redFrame.setLocation(800, 0);

JFrame greenFrame = new JFrame(“Green”);

greenFrame.setSize(305, 600);

greenFrame.setLocation(1150, 0);

JFrame blueFrame = new JFrame(“blue”);

blueFrame.setSize(305, 600);

blueFrame.setLocation(1450, 0);

redPanel = new MyPanel(red);

greenPanel = new MyPanel(green);

bluePanel = new MyPanel(blue);

redFrame.getContentPane().add(redPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);


greenFrame.getContentPane().add(greenPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);


blueFrame.getContentPane().add(bluePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);



My panel class stuff that inherits from JPanel:

//instance fields

Graphics2D gc;

///PaintComponent Method



Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;

if(grid == null){

int w = this.getWidth();

int h = this.getHeight();

grid = (BufferedImage)(this.createImage(w,h));

gc = grid.createGraphics();


g2.drawImage(grid, null, 0, 0);


Color Tracking

Color Detection

Any pixels within a certain threshhold will be displayed white, non threshold pixels will be displayed black.

Programming Homework Help

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