Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Turbo Lister database ( tlb / imb ) repair

There is little doubt in my mind that eBay’s listing program, “Turbo Lister” is slow and bug ridden….
They should be sued for putting “Turbo” in the name.

I could not get mine to update properly until I uninstalled and reinstalled ( in a new directory )
After reinstalling into a new directory I was finally able to update it.
Now, however, it will not restore a database that I just saved a few days ago. It asks for a password when I start the ‘restore’ process.

TL support says that it should not ask for a password, but they refuse to take the database file and FIX it.
They have no FIX for their extremely slow program either.
I doubt that anyone is interested or capable ? of fixing a Turbo Lister tlb/imb file, but I will give it a shot.

Frankly I can only afford to spend $20.00 or so to fix this.
Let me add that Turbo Lister ‘DID restore some other older backups … but not the one I just created a few days ago. How lame is that ?

Possibly I am going to have to just list my items on a web site that I will create myself and save myself the usurious 10% (plus) that ebay charges when I sell items on their site.
I looked for a program on the internet to fix Turbo Lister database files … but found nothing, unfortunately.

Ebay wastes so much time coming up with ridiculous tack ons to their site and to TL but, like Microsoft, they never invest any time and effort into simply streamlining the program so we can get back to the main idea, which is LIST, and SELL.
A real shame …

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