Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Vigenere Cipher Encryption and breaking programming

I meet the problem about encryption and decryption programming.can someone help me? it can use programming C,java,C++,haskell….

Purpose of this exercise: construct a tool to work with a substitution cipher.
Write a program that, given a query consisting of multiple substitution cipher
encryption and decryption requests, consecutively applies them to a given plaintext/ciphertext and outputs the final result. Each request has the following
(d | e) (mapping | shift)
Where mapping represents a permutation of the 26 character English alphabet,
and shift is a signed 4 byte integer (−2
31 ≤ shift ≤ 2
31 − 1). A decryption
request should revert the specified mapping or shift on the given text.
Note: an encryption with a shift divisible by 26 does not modify the text and
a shift equal to 3 is equivalent to the classical Caesar encryption. The correct
sequence for calling the substitution cipher is the following:
1. Call the tool on the command line without arguments.
2. On the first stdin line, indicate the series of requests (following the above
structure), followed by the newline character.
3. On the following lines, insert the text upon which the query will be applied.
The first request will use this text to produce the ciphertext/plaintext
which will be in turn used by the second request, and so forth until the
last request.
As an example, the following string could be inserted on the first line of stdin:
d 5 e 12 d zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba e 3

Programming Homework Help

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