Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. need tutor work for long term for doing one lab( 2 week)

First I need tutor you have MATLAB program. we have 5 labs left but each lab will take about 3 weeks for doing and submitting.

lab this week i attached bellow please take a look before doing it. if you confident to work on it so let do it. we have 3 week to do each lab but for first week I need you done for part 2 and part3 of the lab. Second we will do the part 4 and check off sheet. Then third week if we done with everything. we can go to the next lab if not we will have more time to finish.

so for part 3 I need your coding please submit your coding using MATLAB, so we will work together for coding

any question please text me

Programming Homework Help

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