Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. BIO 535 NCCS Scientific Process of Generating Factual Knowledge Essay

I’m working on a programming report and need a sample draft to help me study

write a lab report following the instructions below and by using R studio and USGS to make NDVI map.

Requirements: all requirements |

.doc file

Hey, as we talked I need the answer in 10 hours because I have to turn it in that time.

Also this is the code for r

# Example to perform system set-up checks

#The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) conformal projection uses

#a 2-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system to give locations on

#the surface of the Earth. Like the traditional method of latitude and longitude,

#it is a horizontal position representation, i.e. it is used to identify locations

#on the Earth independently of vertical position. However, it differs from that method in several respects.

# Code was created by Xiaofeng Xu in March 2017

# A small bug corrected by Xiaofeng Xu on April 5, 2018

# latest update on March 18, 2021

# work on MAC, for PC, some specific changes are required




# To get only the files with .tif extension

#list.files(pattern = glob2rx(‘*.tif’))

# Or if you are familiar with regular expressions


#list.files(pattern = ‘./downloaded/*.tif$’)

sandiego <- brick(‘LC08_L1TP_040037_20210221_20210303_02_T1_refl.tif’)

## Plot the first band of Landsat


plot(sandiego, 1,main=” “)

title(“landsat 8 data – san diego region Band 1”)

## Plot the second band of Landsat


plot(sandiego, 2,main=” “)

title(“landsat 8 data – san diego region Band 2”)

## Plot the third band of Landsat


plot(sandiego, 3,main=” “)

title(“landsat 8 data – san diego region Band 3”)

list <- list.files(path=’sandiego/’, full.names=TRUE)

SDStack <- stack(list)

pdf(“NDVI.pdf”) #,width=300,height=300)

writeRaster(x=SDStack, filename=’SDStack.grd’, datatype=’INT2S’,overwrite=TRUE)

ndvi <- (SDStack[[2]] – SDStack[[1]]) / (SDStack[[2]] + SDStack[[1]])

colors = c(“blue”,”gold”,”darkgoldenrod”,”grey”,”lightgreen”,”green”,”darkgreen”)

plot(ndvi,breaks=c(-1,0,0.075,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30,0.6),col=colors, main = “Xiaofeng Xu’s coure project #3 (San Diego NDVI 3/3/2021)”)

Programming Homework Help

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