Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CS 1334 Programming Fundamentals Project

In this project you will be making a game:

  • Target objects will move from the top of the screen to the bottom
    • the objects must be stored in parallel arrays
    • the objects must be drawn by the same function
    • there must be at least two visually different types of object
    • the objects will be released according to a timer
    • if the object reaches the bottom of the screen, the object will be removed and the score updated
  • There must be a shooter at the bottom of the screen
    • it will fire “attack objects” (i.e. bullets, missiles, arrows, hearts, whatever) in the direction the shooter is facing
    • the shooter will not move but will change facing using arrow keys
    • the shooter will be drawn by a function
    • the shooter will not fire an attack object if there are too many on the screen
  • Attack objects will move from the shooter in the direction the shooter is facing
    • no more than 5 objects at one time on the screen
    • the objects must be stored in parallel arrays
    • the objects must be drawn by the same function
    • if the object intersects with a target object, both objects are removed and the score is updated
    • if the object moves off of the screen, the object is removed
  • There must be a score visible on the screen
    • the score should start at zero
    • the score will always be visible (i.e. top of the z-order)
    • the score will be updated as needed by other objects
  • There must be a “reset” button on the screen
    • the button must be clickable by the mouse
    • clicking the button will restart the game to its initial state including the score

For this game I referred to the “top” and the “bottom” of the screen. You do not have to use the top or the bottom, just use two opposite sides of the screen .

Programming Homework Help

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