Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Create the SQL queries and ERD

These first 3 questions are based on the ERD diagram

1. Write the code to enforce the following business rule: ‘Employees in the position of ‘coach operator’ who are younger than 31 years of age may not be assigned a vehicle that has an amenity of air conditioning.’

2. Write SQL code to CREATE a stored procedure that inserts a new row into SCHEDULE. Pass ‘name’ parameters (no ID values) and use variables to look-up required FK values.

3. Write SQL code to determine which routes had at least 26,500 boardings between November 3, 2016 and March 16, 2019 that also generated more than $683,000 in fares from payment types ‘K-12 Student Card’ or ‘Senior Citizen Social Card’ after June 15, 2020

Lastly, create an ERD following the directions in the directions file.

Programming Homework Help

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