Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Easy Python Program

You are required to write a program that performs basic spatial analysis on a Polygon feature set and Point feature set. I will get these from Geoserver in GeoJSON format and give it to you in attached document. Specifically, we want to do the following:

  • Create a single polygon from the Union of all the polygons.
  • Compute the centroid of the single polygon.
  • Extract the points that lie within the single polygon.
  • Compute a convex hull and centroid for the extracted points
  • Compute the distance between the centroid of the single polygon and the centroid of the points that lie within the single polygon.
  • Create a representation of the line joining the two centroids
  • Geocode both centroids and add their names to the appropriate point as an attribute
  • Create shapefiles to store the results of the above. Bear in mind that a shapefile contains a single geometry type and is a set of thematically related features. Therefore you will need to create shapefiles as follows:
    • Combined polygon from Union
    • Points that lie within Combined Polygon
    • Convex hull of the points from above
    • Both centroids. Each should have an attribute to hold its name returned from the geocoding process.
    • Linestring representing the distance between the centroids

You should also create a graphical user interface (GUI) to facilitate interaction with your program. This should facilitate the selection of the source server and datasets and present a summary of your results.

The user can then use any GIS application such as ArcGIS or QGIS to display the resulting shapefiles.

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Programming Homework Help

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