Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Sql help + ERD

These first 3 questions are based on the ERD diagram

1. Write the code to enforce the following business rule: ‘Employees in the position of ‘coach operator’ who are younger than 31 years of age may not be assigned a vehicle that has an amenity of air conditioning.’

2. Write SQL code to CREATE a stored procedure that inserts a new row into SCHEDULE. Pass ‘name’ parameters (no ID values) and use variables to look-up required FK values.

3. Write SQL code to determine which routes had at least 26,500 boardings between November 3, 2016 and March 16, 2019 that also generated more than $683,000 in fares from payment types ‘K-12 Student Card’ or ‘Senior Citizen Social Card’ after June 15, 2020

Create an ERD following the directions in the directions file.

Lastly, I have already created my version of the code and it resides in the “SoFar” doc however I do not have full confidence in my work and would like help. This work is not complete and is not 100% correct.

I would like someone with good SQL experience to help me fix my queries but also understand my mistakes.

also, feel free to msg me if you have tips or suggestions. thank you

Programming Homework Help

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