Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ​Simple Web App

Simple Web App


1. Install VS if necessary

2. Create a new project

a. Filter language on C#

b. Select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)

c. Choose MVC as the project template

3. Add a new Model class called UserModel to the Models folder

a. Add the following properties to the UserModel class

ID (int)

FirstName (string)

LastName (string)

Age (byte)

RegisterDate (DateTime)

4. Add a new Controller class called UserController to the Controllers folder

a. Make the default Index function create a new UserModel object and pass

it to the view.

b. Make another Index function that accepts a UserModel object and passes

that to the view. It will also need the HttpPost attribute.

c. Make a Test function that accepts a first name and a last name and

returns a string containing the passed in values.

5. Add a view called Index to the Views/User folder

a. Set the view’s model to the UserModel

b. Include this on the page: <script


c. Make the page look like the attached screenshot

d. Use Html.BeginForm to make the submit button call the Index(UserModel)


-It should end up calling that function and populating the text

boxes with the values entered

e. Make the Ajax Submit button call the Test function using JQuery’s


1. Should pass the first name and last name values that were entered

into the textboxes to the function

2. On success it should pop up an alert whatever you made the Test

function return

Programming Homework Help

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