Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Use the following pseudocode given in pdf to get you started on the program.

No global variables. 2D array and the user chosen size of it must be passed between functions.

DrawTool.c should contain the following functions – a function to initialize the map, draw a line (both vertical and horizontal), print the map to the screen, print the instructions.

Code4.c should contain the following – calls to the functions listed in DrawTool.c. and the code to prompt for the draw command and parse it using strtok(). All 5 draw commands should obtained by using strtok(). Each result of strtok() should be dereferenced and stored in a non pointer variable. Those variables should then be used for validation and for passing to other functions. Code4.c must contain a while loop whose condition is based on the draw command and not some other arbitrary value that is set when the draw command is Q/q. The program should continue to run while the first command in the draw command is not a Q. Using a return, break or exit inside the while loop will result in failing this rubric criterion. Using a while condition that is not the value of the first draw command will result in failing this rubric criterion.

Function to draw lines should handle both vertical and horizontal lines. Must use pointer notation and not [] to access individual elements of the array. All passed in arguments must be regular non pointer variables.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoding Requirement 6Function to initalize the array – has a void return value, contains the prompts for user chosen array size, verification that value is between 1 and max size, fills the user chose size of the array with the input background character using pointer notation and not [] notation. The input size of the array should be passed back using a pointer (not returned) from the function. The size parameter that is passed in must be used throughout the function and NOT set to another variable. The pointer should be dereferenced to be used when setting the size and when using it to fill the array.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoding Requirement 8Function to print the array should be passed the array and the user defined array size and should use a for loop to print the array using pointer notation and NOT use []. The array must be passed by name (not by a pointer) and the size must NOT be passed as a pointer.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExecution 1Program should continue to prompt for, execute and display draw commands until the user quits.

Program should properly execute draw commands as given at a prompt or as input to it via a file. Program should properly handle both invalid commands and valid commands that would write out of bounds. — GTAs – run student’s code with file invalidinput.txt

Programming Homework Help

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